var captchaTicked = false; function imNotARobot() { captchaTicked = true } $(function () { $("#saveButton").on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!validateFields()) { saveNewTrial(); } }); function showError(msg) { document.getElementById("errorMessage").innerHTML = msg; if (msg != "") { document.getElementById("errorText").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("errorMessage").style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById("errorText").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("errorMessage").style.display = "none"; } } function showResponse(icon, title, msg) { document.getElementById("iconResponse").innerHTML = icon; document.getElementById("titleResponse").innerHTML = title; document.getElementById("messageResponse").innerHTML = msg; } function validateFields() { showError(""); $('#firstName').removeClass('highlighted-error-field'); $('#lastName').removeClass('highlighted-error-field'); $('#email').removeClass('highlighted-error-field'); var hasError = false; var firstName = $('#firstName').val(); var lastName = $('#lastName').val(); var email = $('#email').val(); var pattern = new RegExp(/^([\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,})?$/); if (firstName == '') { showError("Please enter the First Name."); $('#firstName').addClass('highlighted-error-field').focus(); hasError = true; } if (!hasError && lastName == '') { $('#lastName').addClass('highlighted-error-field').focus(); showError("Please enter the Last Name."); hasError = true; } if (!hasError && email == '') { $('#email').addClass('highlighted-error-field').focus(); showError("Please enter the Email address."); hasError = true; } else if (!hasError && !pattern.test(email)) { $('#email').addClass('highlighted-error-field').focus(); showError("Please enter a valid Email address."); hasError = true; } if (!hasError && !document.querySelector("#terms").checked) { showError("You must accept coreplus's Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Clickwrap Licence Agreement in order to start your Free Trial."); hasError = true; } if (!hasError && captchaTicked == false) { showError("Please click I'm not a robot."); hasError = true; } return hasError; } function saveNewTrial() { var iconClass = 'iconNewTrialClass'; var iconDatabase = ""); var iconClick = ""); var iconExclamation = ""); var iconMail = ""); var firstName = $('#firstName').val(); var lastName = $('#lastName').val(); var email = $('#email').val(); var promoCode = $('#promoCode').val(); document.getElementById("newTrialForm").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("newTrialResponse").style.display = "block"; showResponse(iconClick, 'Processing', 'We are processing your request. Please wait while we prepare your coreplus instance.'); $.ajax({ url: 'newtrialhandler.php', data: { 'firstName': firstName, 'lastName': lastName, 'email': email, 'promoCode': promoCode }, success: function (data) { if (data == '0' || data == '4') { showResponse(iconExclamation, 'Unexpected Issue', 'We are unable to process your submission at this time. Please double check your submission and try again later. If issue persists, please contact our support team.'); } else if (data == '2') { document.getElementById("newTrialForm").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("newTrialResponse").style.display = "none"; showError("It looks like the email address you entered may not be valid. Please provide a valid email address to proceed."); $('#email').addClass('highlighted-error-field').focus(); } else if (data == '3') { showResponse(iconMail, 'Account Already Exists', 'You already have a trial account with coreplus. A password reset link has been sent to you.'); } else { showResponse(iconDatabase, 'Done', 'Redirecting you to coreplus application.'); window.location.href = coreplusUrl.concat("coreplus/?r=") + data; } $('#inputContent').hide() }, error: function (req, status, errorObj) { alert("Failed to process. Please contact Coreplus support.\n" + errorObj) showResponse(iconExclamation, 'Unexpected Issue', 'We are unable to process your submission at this time. Please double check your submission and try again later. If issue persists, please contact our support team.'); } }); } })